Anyone else?!

*background info*

I’ve had 2 misscarriages & 2 chemical pregnancies before hand and have been referred to a specialist but they told me they wouldn’t help me if I fell pregnant before October. Of course timing is always on point and I’ve fell pregnant beforehand!

So I got a bfp on Friday.. Saturday morning I woke up with spotting. It got heavier and the blood turned bright red. As if I’ve been through it before I assumed I was having a chemical pregnancy. Cramping was severe and blood flow wasn’t promising! Had to leave work due to it. Sunday was just uncomfortable bleeding still present! Thought due to it being so early I’d be fine staying at home and dealing with it with paracetamol..

Today I woke up with agonising pain more in one side so rang the local epu due to the thought it possible could be ectopic! Bleeding has settled slightly but they insisted I went in. I went in and they took bloods and did an internal. My bloods came back 166 (I’d worked out myself I’m only 4 weeks) and the doctor told me my cervix was shut and the bleeding had pretty much turned into spotting! I have to go back in 2 days to see if my HCG levels have doubled or even risen! She had a feel round too and told me she’s positive it isn’t ectopic 🤷🏼‍♀️

Looking for anyone that’s been in a similar situation. I’m hoping for the best but expecting the worst my other half keeps calling me for being negative but I can’t help it. I don’t want to be happy about the HCG levels or the closed cervix due to my past it’s just so early and to struggle already is rubbish!