Give me your opinion !

Okay so porn, I wanna know how you all feel towards it while in a relationship, for women watching (yourself or your partner) and men watching (yourself or partner)

Does it bother you if you know they watch it?

Or did you think they didn’t? Found on their phone that they are (feelings if it happened)

Do you watch it so you don’t care that they watch it? Do you both not watch it

Just so curious because with my past relationship I would get so upset when I caught porn search’s on his phone (I shouldn’t have been snooping but of course I did) and now of my new one year relationship our sex life is a ton better than my last and I feel almost mad that I just found porn search’s on his phone (when again I should not snoop but out of curiosity to make sure nothing to bad is happening I looked) I watch porn maybe once every 2 weeks or so cause him and I are always together and I don’t find the need to watch, but when I see that my partner watching Is watching it like every other day I feel like not good enough ? Sorry if I seem like a crazy gf I really don’t want to be and don’t want to feel bothered by it either ughhh

Is it self confidence?