Feeling so alone and scared


I'm 6w 2d pregnant with a donor baby. Noone in my family knows I was even looking into getting pregnant and they will be shocked and worried when I eventually tell them, hence why I haven't told them yet.

On Tuesday I started bleeding. It's been a light bleed since then and I've managed to get to the doc to have my bloods done and il have them done again on Friday to see what my hormones are doing.

This is my rainbow baby after already havinh a miscarriage. I can't tell my family yet as it won't be a positive response and I can't handle not having their positive support.

But at the same time I'm going through this worrying and scary time completely alone and it's really taking a toll. I'm a mess, it's really difficult.

I just feel so incredibly alone. On top of worrying that I'm going to lose this pregnancy. I just feel so alone.