Advise needed!

So, I’ve been dating this guy for just over 8 months. We live only around a 10 minute journey from each other and we have seen each other and stayed with one another most nights since we first went on a date in October 2019.

We’ve got super close and have had conversations about moving in together etc.

We argue about silly things but nothing major, but he does get angry quickly which leads to the argument escalating.

A few days ago we argued other something petty when I was staying at his house. It was around 1130 at night but it escalated pretty quickly and ended with him asking me to pack everything I had there, leave and that it was over.

I was obviously extremely upset but I wanted to let the dust settle for a couple of days before I messaged him.

2 days later I messaged saying I missed him, I understood the mistakes I made in the argument, I apologised for how it escalated because it didn’t need to come to that and I asked if we could give things another go.

He replied a few hours later saying that he missed me but he couldn’t deal with this all at the moment.

So I responded saying that I understood because I had my own things going on but that I wanted to take things slow. I asked if we could meet one day this week maybe just go for a walk.

His response confused me a little. He replied a few hours later with ‘maybeee... I need to think about it x’ this annoyed me because it made me feel like he’s playing games. So I decided to sleep on it and decide this morning what I was going to reply.

This morning I sent a repose saying that I wasn’t going to be here forever and said a couple of times that I’m free this week. To which he responded ‘okay do what you got to do x’

I generally over think EVERY situation I’m in anyways. I would go to my friends, but I think they’re getting a bit sick of the situation haha! Just not really sure how to approach the situation from now?