Money for abortion..


Hi, I had drunk sex with an old mate and i ended up pregnant even after taking 2 morning AP

I’m around 4 weeks and I’m struggling to come up with the money for an abortion.

Having the baby is not an option for me so adoption is also not an option..

I’ve spoken to my dr to see if there’s somewhere that could do it for free but apparently unless it’s due to sexual assault I have to pay for it.

The father of the embryo is a dead beat and ice addict and doesn’t have any money to contribute and I don’t work so I can’t come up with the money in a hurry..

My mum is the only one who knows but she doesn’t have the money to help me out and I’m starting to really freak out about it all and it’s really messing up my mental health that I only just stabilised😩

Please help me... what do I do?

I’ve been a mess for the last 4 days because so worried about not being able to get the money and I really wanna do this before it grows a heartbeat and legs 😭😭