Nesting 🤰🏼🤰🏼🤰🏼15 days until due date!


Today I painted my kitchen! Not sure what came over me, but I couldn’t handle the horrific turquoise any longer 😂 as it was council beforehand they didn’t whitewash any of the house so it had really bad painting from previous tenants.

This is what I’m yet to tackle, the downstairs toilet.... the white paint had been left there.... along with the wallpaper and the pisspoor blue paint. 🙄

The lounge was peach... now it’s all white! Still need to do the flooring but for now it’ll do.

I then cleaned the whole house!!! Feeling it now though 😅 so swollen.

Surely this is a sign baby’s coming soon! (Is like to think so 😂💙) I haven’t been bothered to do anything throughout pregnancy due to being exhausted. All week I’ve had braxton hicks, parts of the plug come out, lower back pain and really bad nausea/heartburn.