Pee or leaked fluids? *UPDATE*


Okay ladies, this is kinda gross but I need some serious help. Last night at like three am (I did not get to bed until 2) I woke up and my butt was drenched in moisture. At first, I thought it was sweat because it was wet from my waist to my thighs. Then I realized it was much more wet then that AND it was cold last night (I had very few blankets).

So, I get up, go to the bathroom, empty my bladder, and wipe off. I went back into our bedroom (my husband slept through all of this, of course) and started to feel around the bed. It was all pretty wet but not pooled or anything. It also did not smell at this point so I covered the spot with a towel and laid back down.

As I am trying to fall back asleep, I start to smell that pee scent.

Long story short, I ended up sleeping on the floor and had no further issues.

Now, my husband does occasionally pee himself when he's drunk (but he wasn't that drunk so I would be really surprised if it was him).

My question is, do we think this was pee or some other fluid? I do leak a lot during the day and occasionally feel like I might pee myself, but I have never had an incident, nor did I feel like I had to pee before I slept. Should I be concerned? Had anything even remotely similar to this happened to anyone? I know it's a little embarrassing, but hey, we're pregnant. What can you do? Btw, I am 20 weeks and I can tell when the baby hits my organs/kicks, etc. Thanks in advance!


Okay, helllppppp! I got checked and it didn't appear to be amniotic fluid, but it happened again! Only this time I took care to smell it - not pee! I also do not believe my husband drank at all.

I'm a little terrified, not gonna lie.