Any ideas?! BFN, going crazy


My husband and I are TTC baby number 2. My cycle is usually 28-29 days long, but Glow predicted a later ovulation this month after negative OPKs. I’m on CD32 and still no sign of a period...I tested using a FRER at 11DPO and it was a definite negative. I’ve tested today (14DPO) using the other FRER I had and it was also a definite negative 🤔 so of course I googled and noticed a trend of negative first response tests so I went out and bought cheapies...tested and still negative?! I am very very rarely late for my period, last late period was last year when my daughter was 4 months old and my cycles were still regulating! Very confused?! Any ideas? It might also be worth mentioning that it took 11 months to conceive our daughter, we used opks, dtd exactly when we were meant to etc and still took that long! We are both healthy, I am 26 and my husband is 32. I don’t know if this makes any difference but thought I’d mention!