Ghosted after a miscarriage


So about 4 weeks ago I found out that I was pregnant from a hookup with my crush I had in August. I told him and he was adamant for me to get an abortion which hurt me a lot because I did want the baby whether he was involved or not. I just thought he had the right to know. Anyways, we met up and I do have an alcohol problem (please don’t judge me) but every time I seemed to mention meeting in his area he would completely avoid it or ignore me altogether. Until I decided on a place that wasn’t his area then he seemed all for it. Anyways we met up and he bought me to glasses of wine which I drank because I was upset and which I know sounds bad but I couldn’t hack his energy. Now I’m by no means a bad looking girl but my hormones were quite scattered and I tried to come onto him and the drink probably didn’t help either and he kept rejecting me, this isn’t the first time his rejected me either. He’s always been quite sporadic texting me so I know that his not really interested. Anyway we got in a disagreement and I stormed of didn’t hear from him for two days. Which I was mad about because I was pregnant and anything could’ve happened and he didn’t even ask to see if I was alright. Anyways went to my scan about two days later to find that baby didn’t have a heartbeat 😢😢😢and told him and he was supportive but it seemed that all he cared about was it being out of me. In fact I knew that was what it was. It took me four days to miscarriage, I was 10 weeks and he sent me a text the day I passed it and I haven’t heard from him since.

It has now been 3 weeks since I heard from him and I am devastated to the point that I tried to kill myself a couple of weeks ago. I’m so angry at him but most of all I am angry at myself. I don’t know what to do.

If someone could please offer me some support it would be appreciated. Why is he doing this?