Please help me


I had my 11 week and 5 day scan today my first appointment. I’ve been having all the same symptoms that I’ve had since I found out I was pregnant, Ive also been getting a lot bigger each other week. I went in today with a full bladder and the lady couldn’t see the baby as i had too much of a full bladder, when I got back from the toilet we tried again and I was showing only 9 weeks but she couldn’t see a heart beat. Ive to go on the 26th for a vaginal scan to see if they could see the heart beat then but the lady told me that’s itsmore than likely a missed period as I don’t have pain or bleeding. Has anyone at 9 weeks not seen a heartbeat and then seen the heartbeat the next appointment? I’m so gutted and think I’m trying to hold onto hope. I also keep having a feeling of kicking in my stomach my mum can also feel it too anyone know what this could be? Thank you.