Nap length

Rach • Mum to two beautiful girls 2&0 🥰💗

Ok so I know it’s totally NORMAL for a 5 month old to only nap 30-40minute stretch’s but what I want to know is from people who’s LO done the same when did they start taking longer stretches? If ever? My LO used to take 2-3hr naps now its consistently 30-40 mins.. most recently only 30minutes. I mean it’s a pain because obviously getting things done is impossible and means she needs like 4 naps a day, buuut the biggest issue is she is still tired after her naps and just so cranky during her wake times in between. I know about linking sleep cycles and such but she links these no problem at night and sleeps for 10hr stretches 🤷🏻‍♀️ so I’m clueless as to why she doesn’t do it for naps!?

Any advice??

P.s I am consistent with a pre-nap prep routine and she sleeps in her crib, with white noise and black out blind. She goes to sleep reasonably well herself without a dummy/pacifier.