baby sick after shot?

i’m not sure what caused my baby to get sick but she’s been having a little cough here and there and her voice is a bit raspy as well when she speaks. and she sneezes a bunch. she’s still really happy and active and plays a lot she recently got her 6 month old shots not that long ago and im wondering if that’s the case and if i should take her to see her dr or urgent care. i’ve tried calling my drs office before and it was pointless as they told me ‘ if i didn’t know what kind of sickness it was then i can’t bring her in ‘ it wasn’t the doctor who said it but one of the nurses and i don’t wanna deal with that again by calling because she’s always the one who answers the phone and it doesn’t really make sense because the reason i’m calling is to find out what she’s sick with and what to give her.