I hate not having money

It sucks. I’m a stay at home mom and my husband controls/see’s everything financially. I miss having my own money. I’ve been selling stuff for pocket money. He doesn’t really believe in getting babies too much for Christmas, so I feel like I can’t even buy them a few presents. Same goes for my daughter’s 2nd birthday. I just miss having a job and my own money. My husband isn’t working right now and doesn’t plan to until January, so meanwhile I can’t buy anything because he is lazy. In the past, It stings seeing everyone post photos of their beautiful Christmas trees with lots of gifts and I’m over here trying to come up with 50.00 here and 25.00 there. Yes I know it isn’t about the presents, but I want to be able to give my littles a nice Christmas. 😞

EDIT: husband doesn’t want kids in daycare so I have to stay home.