
I have a 22 month old and she’s still nursing. We’ve just barely got the night weaning down, but now I feel like during the day all she wants to do is nurse. And I’m so over it. She’s also having such a hard time doing anything by herself. She used to be okay playing with toys for an hour or so by herself but now she literally wants to sit and nurse all day or she’ll follow me around the house crying. We go outside for a couple of hours every day and even outside she wants to nurse and not play. I get down on her level every time she’s having a tantrum or just crying because she’s not getting her way, and I’ll explain to her I can’t sit with her at the moment but I will when I’m done, or I ask her to sit her in her safe space/ calm corner and it just makes it worse. My child can cry, and she can cry for hours. I literally am at my wits end with the crying and the tantrums because I feel like nothing I’m doing is helping. She only wants me, no one else can help her, and if they try it makes it worse. I love my baby girl more than anything and that’s why I’m so frustrated because I just want to help her and make her feel secure that even though I’m not doing what she wants in the moment that once I’m done I will come to her aid. It’s also starting to feel like a power struggle with breastfeeding. Please tell me this is just a stage and it will get better or if someone else has had this experience and it was something else, please help. I just need help 😭 I’m sorry this is so long and all over the place, but I just need help.