My son with autism played with children!!!


I’m such a proud mama tonight. My son is 2 and has autism, he never plays with other children especially outside, he likes to play by himself with rocks, he usually lines them up counting them and becomes really distressed if another child tries to join in or move his lined up rocks. But today an older child I’m guessing around 7 or 8, came up to him and asked me what he was doing. I explained very gently that my boy was counting stones because his brain works a little differently and that’s what he would rather do than to be playing on the toys. So this sweet little boy approached my son with a really soft voice and said he “likes his stone line “ and he just spoke until my son started handing him the Little rocks I can’t lie I was very on edge watching all of this but then my baby started laughing and this boy was just holding these stones telling my son how smart he was for passing them to him. It turns out after speaking to the other child’s mum that he has a little brother who also has autism. It just goes to show how amazing these little people can be with the right guidance. I’m so proud of this total stranger and her child, and I’m so proud of my boy. Look at that smile.