7+5 days currently


I had an abdominal scan on the 5th that showed the gestational sac at 15.2 mm obviously with it being a abdominal scan there wasn’t much more we could see but where was something definitely in there but they couldn’t figure out what. They said it looked about 6.5 weeks.

I went for another scan 7 days after (12th) and the gestational sac has only grown to 15.9mm and they still can’t make out if it’s a yolk sac etc inside.

Has anyone else had anything similar? 😩

Both scans have been abdominal!

This is my 8th pregnancy with no live births so hoping for the best but expecting the worst at this point 😞

My mental health is so bad with it all to the point I don’t even want to go in work tomorrow. I can’t face seeing people. Not that they know but my anxiety is so bad 😭