Contractions stopped! 😞


Just before dinner I had four contractions lasting about a minute within the 5-1-1. I then had a few sporadic ones and I know for sure it wasn’t braxton hicks are they genuinely were incredibly painful and the same as when I had my first.

They completely slowed down and then I had another two but more spread out. I decided to take a warm bath as it was so painful 😓

My back is hurting, I felt so nauseous too and couldn’t even eat my dinner. I started to feel better so did a quick hoover and got my son into bed, but now I’m getting waves of pain again across my stomach. Still nothing like the contractions, but still uncomfortable. I’ve also just had bad diarrhoea TMI sorry 🤢

I’m 37+4 so I’m thinking maybe this is my body preparing me for early labor? I know it can stop and start!! With my first I went to my due date and had a sweep that morning and then had my son a few hours later, so I’ve never gone into spontaneous labor. I had seen my consultant this morning who said I can book in for sweeps this Monday and have 2 a week and if he isn’t here by my due date then I’ll get induced at 40+6.

I’ve been having these pains on and off now for a few days and had extremely bad nausea. Yesterday I had to my infront of the fan because I felt I was going to faint! Has anyone else had this in early labor??