Line eyes or start of something


I have been trying since May, my cycles used to be 29-31 days. Lately since May then have been 23-26 days were I would ovulate CD 18, 19, 20, 25,20. My luteal phase was 5-6 days and then AF would show. Last month I started taking B6 to help lengthen my luteal phase and this month I took conceive plus ovulation support to help get my ovulation back to CD14-16. This month I ovulated at CD 17, to confirm I use Ovusense vaginal temp and Clearblue advance ovulation. 5DPO I started cramping my temps dropped a little so assumed my AF would start in a day or two. 6DPO temp went back up but had really moderate AF like cramps. 7DPO my temps dropped a lot by .20C so I assumed that night or today it would start, so I took a test this morning and got this, in person it has pink in it but I’m not sure if it just what I want to see.

UPDATE!! Took a digital this morning