He came on his due date!


Little man was due today 11/12. My water spontaneously broke last night. Went to the hospital because I was GBS+ and was told I was only 1.5cm at midnight. Contractions hadn’t really started yet. Admitted to L&D and by 3am contractions had started and were 5 minutes apart. By 5am I asked for an epidural and felt a shift in intensity. I was checked and was 4cm. They wanted to watch the contraction monitor for 20 minutes before giving the epidural to make sure it was consistent. However, my first labor was very fast (no epidural) and I could tell this was going to be even faster. 5:24am I’m 9.5cm transitioning and pushing on my own while the nurses are scrambling to get everything together and telling me not to push. I pushed for 4 minutes! He came so fast, but it was such a relief. And I feel like a super human. No tears thankfully and he is perfectly healthy!