Brown/Red-ish Discharge.


My last period started on the 11th December & finished on the 15th December. January I had a missed period, which is common with PCOS. I woke up this morning, realising the date & that I had missed another period this month. As I was getting ready for work, I started getting cramps which were period like cramps. A few hours after I got to work, I went to the toilet and saw a brown/red-ish coloured discharge. It was quite a wet discharge. I assumed I had started my period after not having one since December. So I did the normal thing when i get my period, which is put a tampon in and go on about my day. I finished work, got home and went toilet again and the tampon was really dry, nothing on it & the toilet paper also was clear. I’m a bit confused as to what this is as I’ve never had this sort of thing happen to me. Can anyone explain?