Has anyone experienced this?


Hello ladies I am 36 and have an 8yr old, ttc #2 has been a rough journey. AF was supposed to start 4.12.23, but didn't so I took a test that same day negative! Then I took the other one 2 days late and was told to take another because of how the line looks.(First Photo) I took another one yesterday at 3days late (Second photo) unfortunately the store I went to had no pink dye so I just grabbed what they had. However, I am bleeding! Not flowing, no cramps, no clots, it's definitely red and watery my SO and I DTD on Thursday and Friday and immediately after on Friday I started spotting pink and brown and now red and it hasn't stopped yet. I've had a few chemicals and 4 miscarriages I just want to be pregnant and not lose another baby. Please help ease my mind because SO is of no help.