Is he cheating..?

So my boyfriend and I are in college i’m a freshman and he’s a sophomore we have been dating for a little more than a year. (i broke up with him over the summer we got back together) he was super toxic and always accused me of wanting to break up or cheating.

NOW FAST FORWARD present day: is starting to freak out whenever we have busy days because im not making enough of an effort to talk to him. THEN THE OTHER DAY WE WERE LAYING TOGETHER and i was just scrolling on his phone because mine was charging and he literally freaked out when i went to look in his dm’s (i was going to our chat together bc i wanted to watch the reels i sent him: i think im funny) and he quickly pointed out this girl in his dm’s saying “oh that’s my cousin she just calls everyone baby and sends heart emojis”. i didn’t even ask him he just said it uncalled for. Now yesterday we went to breakfast and he randomly brings up this girl. he told me “oh this girl i used to talk to is liking my insta stories” the stories are him shirtless and flexing on his main insta story and then he proceeded to ask “well do you want me to like block her or can she just stay on my acct. i don’t really care whatever you want”. he has also been picking fights with me abt sex a lot. like i’m not having sex with him enough and anytime i say no he just brings it up for days to make me feel bad. HE EVEN DRY HUMPS ME WHEN WE ARE CUDDLING AFTER I HAVE SAID NO I DONT WANNA FUCK ? like what