6 weeks post partum


I can’t believe it’s almost been 2 months since I had him! He’s eating like a monster, 14lbs and in 6m clothes. We are nursing together through his cold he has and honestly I was expecting him to lose a little weight - nope! Basically ate his way back to health 😂 our family feels so complete now that he’s here. My older girls are really such a joy to have with him being here. He loves them and loves when they all talk to him! He’s got them wrapped around his finger. At the park my youngest (2.5) saw another little girl about the same age walking up to his stroller and my daughter walked in front of brothers stroller saying “that’s my brother!!!!” While holding out her hand gesturing to stop hahaha she was not having anyone close to HER baby bro 😆🤣

How are all yall other June mommas doing?!🩷