Husband is just not himself!

Lately my husband just can’t sit at home for a weekend or for 1 day of the weekend, he thinks we have to be on the go spending money we really don’t have to spend or charging the credit card that is almost maxed out at $11,000 from him, I feel like it’s from the medication he was put on for his anxiety, he’s been in it for almost 2 months and it was just raised from 50mg to 100mg. Like today it’s just a rainy crappy day but he wanted to go to the next town over and go to the batting cage which it no problem they are free but he got all pissed off cuz there is a softball tournament going in so people are using it so he came home with a MAJOR attitude about it like it’s my fault I didn’t know about it. I asked him why he’s in a mood and all he did was yell at me cuz nothing goes his way on His days off and that our house isn’t spotless how we wants it so now he’s irritated from it, so I said back to him then maybe we shouldn’t went out yesterday when I was starting to clean up but he just kept saying “I can’t just sit here and do nothing”. I don’t know what to do god for bid I say anything to him about just relaxing at home and taking it easy especially after he complains about having major back pain.